Creating a Positive Impact Within the Local Community and Abroad
"For the poor will never cease from the land; therefore I command you, saying, You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and your needy, in your land."

It is important to us to be clear about what services we provide to those that are in need. This list details some of our initiatives that we need your support in.
Helping Hands
Trying to provide the necessary services to those that are in need can be an overwhelming task because the needs in our community are great. However, by providing 'helping hands' and services that may not be available by other organizations, we can try to help fill that void.

Recent Activities
December 16, 2024 Toy donations in support of the Charles County Children's Aid Society's Christmas Toy Connection.
December 1, 2024
Prepared and served dinner for 24 residents and staff at the Carpenters Shelter, Alexandria VA.
November 24, 2024 Prepared and donated 100 shoeboxes in support of Operation Christmas Child.
Operation Let's Eat
The “Operation Lets Eat" Outreach Program will operate a nonperishable food bank. This outreach program will support food pantries for churches, shelters, and other organizations that operate meal programs. The nonperishable food bank will also be available to individuals and families by appointment only.